Implant and Family Dentistry

Bartlett's Best Choice for Multiple Tooth Implants

Multiple Tooth Implants

Multiple tooth implants may be placed if you need or desire to permanently replace an extracted or lost tooth. Titanium implant bases are placed into the jawbone to replace the job of the tooth roots. We allow a period of time to allow for the jawbone to heal over the bases before fitting for a crown. Next, abutments are screwed into the bases of the implants to allow crowns to be attached. Finally, custom fabricated crowns are placed over the abutments and will function like a real tooth.

Full Arch Implants

If you have slipping dentures and are tired of being self-conscious about the thought of losing them at an inopportune moment, a full arch implant might be the solution for you. Dental implants that can be placed to accept a full arch of teeth. This is done by strategically placing implants along the upper or lower jaw and attaching a denture-like attachment over abutments on the implant posts. Once placed, a full arch using implants will feel and perform like natural teeth. You will be able to chew with confidence and never have to worry again about losing your dentures.


This prosthesis is used in special situations for patients who have enough bone in the anterior regions of the lower or upper jaws, but limited amount of bone in the posterior regions and are not candidates for extensive bone grafting.

Implant Supported Dentures

This implant technique, is the optimal solution for those who have lost or are about to lose all of their upper and/or lower teeth. It's a procedure that comes closest to having a new set of permanent teeth.

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We are here to provide you and your family with the best dental care! Call us to request an appointment or submit an online request.